Diane’s Story

I have bipolar disorder and anxiety. It took me years to get properly diagnosed and many more years to find the right medication. I have good meds now and am fairly stable. Here at the Austin Clubhouse I’ve found that others have had similar experiences. At my church I met a Clubhouse member who told me all about the Austin Clubhouse and said I would fit right in. I was skeptical at first because I had never “fit in” anywhere, but I was so tired of watching TV all day and night that I came to see what it was about. That was the beginning of a new me!

I was shy and scared at first and I found myself sitting with others who didn’t know how to make much conversation and I was one of them. But you just can’t beat a nutritious meal for $1! The staff here seemed genuinely interested in me. All of them are cheerful and positive and it began to rub off on me. I started out my first day by helping in the kitchen. I looked forward to getting here early enough to help in the kitchen instead of just coming for lunch. At the Clubhouse they asked me to work at the front desk which included answering the phone. I really didn’t want to but they were so encouraging that I gave it a try. Then I discovered part of the Business Unit, the computer room. Several members were doing data entry. The computers scared me but I thought “if they could do it, then I would like to try.” The Clubhouse helped me put together a resume and the staff changed my thinking that no one would ever hire me.

Here at the Austin Clubhouse there’s never a dull moment, and there is always something to do. If I’m mad or depressed I can come here and get over it in no time. The Austin Clubhouse has given me confidence in myself, acceptance, purpose, work training and plenty of people to practice my social skills. That lady from my church who was a Clubhouse member was right, I DO fit in at the Austin Clubhouse!


Coming Together


A Story of Recovery