Carla’s Story
The Austin Clubhouse is an amazing place to plug yourself into productivity and belonging. Each of us here is battling with a mental health diagnosis. And as we band together for the greater good, I find that this place makes for one of the most successful non-profit organizations to help aid those who both need belonging and find importance for each of us.
We have seen many faces, heard the voice of its people, and taken action to make this a community built for success by the hands of its participants.
I found a quote that stuck to my heart, and to this extent I am grateful for people who work here, and to those who voluntarily do their part in such an active community. “I’m living in blessings, that used to be prayers.”
Before we begin, I would like to paint a picture of how my personal story has come to blend with this community.
I was in and out of the local downtown shelter, after having lived through some pretty traumatic events. I was homeless, exhausted from exploring all my options, and still empty-handed. I was emotionally distraught, living with Complex PTSD
Having been introduced to the Austin Clubhouse through my caseworker at the time, the Clubhouse gave me a “safe place” in a community, allowing me to be somewhat active, and to have access to air conditioning. I wasn't really sure what the Clubhouse was about. I took a tour, and that was the start. After having my doctors sign the paperwork, and turning in my application, I became a member.
I learned how to better use resources, and put my mind and hands to good use to pour life into my new environment.
I think they did a pretty good job of accepting me, even in my highest moments of distress. And in those hard times, when I would scream because I felt triggered, unsafe, and panicked, people would redirect me to something that would remind me of who I wanted to be. They saw potential in me, kept patience, empowered me to do the best I could, and become a stronger individual. It was within that year that I was fortunate enough to find help from multiple organizations, including The Austin Clubhouse. They believed in me, even when I couldn't believe in myself.
I have now been a Clubhouse member for the past seven-plus years. It is in my free time that I try to faithfully pour myself back into the community that invested its time and efforts into my well-being. I am just one person, with one life-touching story. There are enough Clubhouse members, each with an individual testimony, that can impact the world by their belief in themselves.
So if today, you are feeling a little distraught, lonely or in need of belonging, remember there are people who have a vision for you and so many others. That vision is this, that you will know there is a place for you. What you do matters. And your story of survival, perseverance, and a work ethic, is a journey only you can tell. No one else is you, and that is your power.
You are the heart of the Austin Clubhouse.
Photo by David Williams